Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lobby Day Held to Protect Charitable Deduction, Begin Discussion of Larger Role of Philanthropy in Society - Press - AFP

Lobby Day Held to Protect Charitable Deduction, Begin Discussion of Larger Role of Philanthropy in Society - Press - AFP: Arlington, VA - Hundreds of representatives from the philanthropic sector converged on Capitol Hill Dec. 4-5 to urge Congress to protect the charitable deduction and begin a broader discussion about the role of philanthropy and how to solve the larger, long-term problems that America faces.

The Charitable Giving Coalition, co-chaired by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), held its first “Protect Giving—DC Days” as a way to educate Congress about the importance of the charitable deduction as legislators consider tax reform and deficit reduction. Congress is looking at whether or not to retain, modify or eliminate the charitable deduction, which could result in the loss of billions of dollars of contributions that charities rely in order to provide critically needed services to millions of Americans.

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