Thursday, May 12, 2011

More charities than expected will face highest level of accounting disclosure - Civil Society - Finance - News - providing news and in-depth coverage of charities, voluntary organisations and not-for-profits

From Civil Society in UK

More charities than expected will face highest level of accounting disclosure - Civil Society - Finance - News - providing news and in-depth coverage of charities, voluntary organisations and not-for-profits: "More charities than initially thought are likely to fall into the most onerous tier of the Accounting Standards Board's proposed framework for charity accounting, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Charities with listed debt or which are holding other organisations’ money in a fiduciary capacity are considered to be publicly accountable and will therefore be required to use the tier 1 framework, which involves significantly more disclosure than the FRSME (Financial Reporting Standard for Mid-Sized Entities)."

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