Tuesday, September 19, 2006

USNews.com: Opinion: Bonnie Erbe: To the Contrary: IRS and religious left tread on sacred ground

USNews.com: Opinion: Bonnie Erbe: To the Contrary: IRS and religious left tread on sacred ground: "RS and religious left tread on sacred ground

Pity the poor religious right! It's being attacked by two sets of sinners: the religious left (yes, there is one) and the IRS.

Today in Washington, D.C., 'Red Letter Christians,' the self-described 'Leading Voices of the Progressive Christian Movement,' announced a national campaign to mobilize liberal Christians for the upcoming midterm elections.

Meanwhile, the IRS is winding up a major investigation of church abuse of tax-exempt status. Earlier this year, the IRS issued a report saying nearly half the 110 nonprofit groups it investigated after the 2004 elections 'for improper political activity were churches. Of the 40 churches that the IRS had finished investigating, 37 were found to have violated the law.'"

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