Monday, May 15, 2006

Governor signs legislation to regulate professional fundraisers

Governor signs legislation to regulate professional fundraisers: "Governor signs legislation to regulate professional fundraisers

In an effort to protect both charities and the people who donate to them from being swindled, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich has signed legislation that will require stricter reporting requirements for fundraisers. House Bill 4315 was sponsored by State Representative James Brosnahan (D - Oak Lawn) and State Senator John Millner (R - St. Charles).

'When people donate to a charity, they should feel confident that their contribution will reach people who need help,' said Blagojevich. 'This new law will make sure that neither charities nor donors are being ripped off.'

Specifically, the new law will expand the definition of 'professional fundraiser' to include the middlemen who receive or collect donations, such as the salvaging business, in addition to those who solicit those donations, the only group that was previously regulated. The donation of cars, boats, or motorcycles would require stringent registration and reporting requirements, and the sale of any vehicle would require a statement to be filed with the Attorney General. That statement would have to include the vehicle identification number, fees collected for and the resale value of the vehicle, and the identities of all the people involved."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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