Thursday, April 27, 2006 :: KARE 11 TV - Attorney General: Blue Cross has too much green :: KARE 11 TV - Attorney General: Blue Cross has too much green: "Attorney General: Blue Cross has too much green

The 'Blues' are awash in green, according to Attorney General Mike Hatch. In his review of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, Hatch accuses the company of stockpiling cash at a time that many Minnesotans have been priced out of the insurance market by high premiums.

'What they ought to be doing is taking this money, refunding it back to the policy holders,' Hatch told KARE 11 Wednesday.

Hatch's staff provided KARE- 11 an advance copy of the full report due to be released officially today. It's the latest in a series of audits of health insurance companies and providers conducted by the Attorney General's staff beginning in 2000.

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