Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Sen. Clinton warns of assault on funding for nonprofit groups

Sen. Clinton warns of assault on funding for nonprofit groups: "As federal and state budget cuts continue to erode funding for not-for-profit organizations, agencies must devise ways to provide housing, medical, child and elder care services, as well as aid to the arts and environment, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told 800 participants yesterday at a daylong summit.
'We have to come up with new strategies to meet the many problems and challenges we face,' said Clinton, who delivered a 20-minute speech at the Hilton Rye Town. In addition to the government pullback, 'the private sector is not as generous as it was in the past,' Clinton said. Not-for-profit providers have to be 'more innovative, and flexible and smart and do more with less,' she said.
Funding for not-for-profits would suffer further losses if a proposal to permanently eliminate inheritance tax for the very rich becomes law at the end of the decade, Clinton said.

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