Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Montana News - Independent Record-"Burns top recipient of lobbyist's donations

Montana News - Independent Record: "Burns top recipient of lobbyist's donations
By CHARLES S. JOHNSON - IR State Bureau - 05/24/05
HELENA - U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., received $136,500 to lead all 435 members of Congress in campaign donations from controversial lobbyist Jack Abramoff, his partner and his tribal clients from 2001 to 2004, Bloomberg News has reported.
Rep. Denny Rehberg,
R-Mont, collected $14,000 from these sources to tie for 24th, while Sen. Max Baucus received $8,000 to rank 29th, according to a database prepared by Bloomberg News.

The news agency found that Abramoff, his partner, Michael Scanlon, and tribal clients donated $1.4 million to at least 171 lawmakers during the four-year period, mostly from tribes with casino interests.

Abramoff is the lobbyist linked to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, who is facing ethics questions. DeLay has come under fire for accepting a number of trips sponsored by Abramoff. Scanlon formerly was DeLay's spokesman.

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