Wednesday, January 25, 2006

CNW Group-AFP Looks Forward to Working with Canada's New Government

CNW Group: "Attention National And Political Editors:
AFP Looks Forward to Working with Canada's New Government

OTTAWA, Jan. 24 /CNW/ -- The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) congratulates the Conservative party on its victory in the national elections and looks forward to working with it and all parties to increase giving opportunities for donors and expand the capacity of charities
to help all Canadians.
Prior to the election, the Conservative party proposed eliminating the capital gains tax on listed stock donated to charities. AFP applauded that move and is prepared to work with the elected officials of all parties to remove a longstanding roadblock that has hindered Canadians from giving to the voluntary sector.
'Eliminating the capital gains tax for gifts of stock to charities could increase giving by hundreds of millions of dollars every year,' said Susan Mullin, director of development at the York University Foundation and chair of AFP's Canadian Government Relations Committee."

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