Monday, June 20, 2005

Hospitals may need to justify tax exemptions - Jacksonville -

Hospitals may need to justify tax exemptions - Jacksonville - "Hospitals may need to justify tax exemptionsBy M.C. Moewe
The Business Journal of Jacksonville
Updated: 8:00 p.m. ET June 19, 2005JACKSONVILLE -- A push under way at the federal level could change how the area's nonprofit hospitals justify their tax-exempt status.

The United States Government Accountability Office has questioned whether nonprofit hospitals perform 'sufficiently different' public services to be tax exempt.
A GAO report released in late May suggested that standards could be established requiring nonprofit hospitals to document community benefits after finding that they often provide similar amounts of uncompensated care to that provided by for-profit counterparts. For-profit hospitals pay millions in income, sales and property taxes while nonprofit groups are exempted from those charges. "

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