Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Yahoo! News - Chicago Nonprofits Convene as U.S. Senate Considers New Regulationson Charities

Yahoo! News - Chicago Nonprofits Convene as U.S. Senate Considers New Regulationson Charities: "Chicago Nonprofits Convene as U.S. Senate Considers New Regulationson Charities

Mon Apr 18,10:21 AM ET

To: City Desk
Contact: Michelle Atoa of Jasculca/Terman and Associates 312-573-5491 or 312-933-7594 (cell) for YMCA of the USA; or Arnold Collins of YMCA of the USA, 312-419-8418 or 312-209-8418 (cell)
CHICAGO, April 18 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Charitable organizations from across the Chicagoland region gathered today at the Palmer House Hilton to discuss potential new regulations on the operations, governance and financial reporting of the nation's 1.3 million charitable organizations being considered by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee.
Convened by YMCA of the USA (Y-USA), along with The Chicago Community Trust, Donors Forum of Chicago, Joyce Foundation, United Way of Metropolitan Chicago and the Chicago Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the meeting is one in a series being held across the country to get feedback from the nonprofit sector on the interim report the Panel on the Nonprofit Sector presented to the Senate in March as well as on issues they are considering for their Final Report to be presented in June."

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